'Reaching the Stars'
‘Reaching the Stars’ is an official Shantro Arts digital artwork.
I created it using Photoshop & Lightroom.
by purchasing this work you will immediately receive a digital picture of the artwork in png format. You have full copyright rights over the product from that moment on. Which means you are the new owner and can therefore do with work what you want. This applies to both personal and commercial purposes.
‘Reaching the Stars’ is an official Shantro Arts digital artwork.
I created it using Photoshop & Lightroom.
by purchasing this work you will immediately receive a digital picture of the artwork in png format. You have full copyright rights over the product from that moment on. Which means you are the new owner and can therefore do with work what you want. This applies to both personal and commercial purposes.
‘Reaching the Stars’ is an official Shantro Arts digital artwork.
I created it using Photoshop & Lightroom.
by purchasing this work you will immediately receive a digital picture of the artwork in png format. You have full copyright rights over the product from that moment on. Which means you are the new owner and can therefore do with work what you want. This applies to both personal and commercial purposes.